Dogs are our best friends. They are our "fur babies". From their excitement when they see us, down to their steadfast loyalty - if you are a dog owner there's no question you understand what it means to be loved unconditionally.

A Dog's Love is Unconditional

Our Latest Dog Posts

Why does my dog dig at his bed?

Why Does My Dog Dig at His Bed?

Why does my dog dig at his bed? You’ve probably seen your dog scratching up their pillow, cushion, or even their spot on the couch at least once. If your…

What Causes Separation Anxiety in Dogs?

What Causes Separation Anxiety in Dogs?

What causes separation anxiety in dogs? There are a lot of different factors that can contribute to a dog’s fears about being alone. Sometimes it’s because they’re not used to…

Do flea collars kill fleas already on dogs?

Do Flea Collars Kill Fleas Already on Dogs?

Do flea collars kill fleas already on dogs? The short answer is yes. Once it’s around your pooch’s neck, the flea collar will begin working. The chemicals in the flea…

Are dogs cold blooded?

Are Dogs Cold-Blooded?

Are dogs cold blooded? The short and quick answer is no. Dogs, like humans, are warm-blooded animals that can regulate their own internal body temperature. We could stop there, but…

10 Dogs Under 50 Pounds

10 Small and Medium Dogs Under 50 Pounds

We’ve compiled a list of 10 dogs under 50 pounds, so this is a great place to start on your search for your future family member! If you’re reading this,…

Basset hound sitting on chair with book musing about can dogs eat chocolate.

Can Dogs Eat Chocolate?

Can dogs eat chocolate? We, humans, love chocolate so much that it’s no wonder why we want to share our favorite treat with our best animal friends. However, dogs should…

Best Dog Brush - German Shepherds

Best Dog Brush – German Shepherds

If you have a German Shepherd, you will know that grooming them can almost be a full time job – especially in the Spring when they start to shed their…

Stop German Shepherd Shedding

Stop German Shepherd Shedding

If you are the owner of a German Shepherd dog, you know that they can shed A LOT! However, keeping up with daily grooming can make a big difference. It…

Wire Fox Terrier Grooming

Wire Fox Terrier Grooming

Let’s face it, Wire Fox Terrier grooming can be expensive when you have to pay a groomer to hand strip their fur. The Wire Fox Terrier has a dense and…